Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry (CHOIR)
open source, open standard, and highly flexible platform for a learning healthcare system to optimize care and advance real-world research discovery and innovation
created in partnership with the
National Institutes of Health

CHOIR was designed to be
CHOIR enables clinicians to begin a basic multidisciplinary assessment of the patient before even meeting him or her.
CHOIR incorporates classic testing-theory-based measures, such as the Pain Catastrophizing Scale, and item-response-theory based measures, such as the NIH Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS).
Analyze CHOIR Data
By enabling the standardization and large-scale capturing of high-dimensional biopsychosocial data, CHOIR enables users to see what kinds of subsets of patients exist, and to ask research questions about these groups.

Build a Stronger Relationship with Your Patients
During the course of treating patients with chronic pain, providers alternately look at the pain condition from many perspectives. Each of these perspectives requires looking at different aspects of a patient’s biomedical, psychosocial, and biomechanical data. As an example, there are a number of factors that go into deciding whether a patient is a good candidate for any one interventional procedure. CHOIR displays the factors that have been found in the literature to be a predictor of outcome after procedures or surgeries. These include Substance Use, Adverse Childhood Experiences, Treatment expectations, and so on. CHOIR makes this information clear and easily available. Below is an example of a simulated patient profile.